
A maximum of 8 gallery images per listing is permitted. Please ensure your image file sizes are as small as possible. ie. Less than 25kb each. Hint: To keep your listing neat and consistent, it is suggest you only load images in 4's. ie 4 or 8 images, not 5 or 7 etc.

Should you have trouble optimising your images to the above requirements, email your images to [email protected] with your establishment name in the subject line and we will upload them for you. Please allow up to 48 working hours for this to be actioned due to the large number of queries we currently experiencing.

Suggested image dimensions: 640 wide x 480 high (landscape images only)

Accepted formats
.jpg, png or .gif are the only accepted image formats allowed. Other formats will be removed / deleted.

Image Management
Deleting images are instant when clicking the word delete next to each image

Uploading images is easy. Click the Upload now, a window will appear, search your computer for the file and click the upload file button. The image will appear on the screen. Remember to select the save now button before uploading the next image otherwise it wont save and just keep replacing the same image.

Once 8 image have been uploaded, the upload now will no longer appear until an image is removed and or contains less than 8 images at any time.


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