Credit Cards
Should your establishment accept credit cards, select the card types by ticking the relevant boxes. The respective logos will appear on your print brochure page and rates & tarrifs tabs to visitors. If NO cards are selected, then a message stating you dont accept cards will appear.

Rates information Search
Please select the rate categories that apply to you. This will ensure visitors that do a quick search based on rates will inlcude your establishment. If none are selected you will still appear under your category searches. Establishments found to be abusing this quick search by selecting rate categories that dont apply may have their listing removed without refund.

Rates Editor
Use the editor to inform visitors of your different rates that apply. It is important to keep this section updated at all times. Please clearly outline your rates for peak and out of season pricing, including the different types of accommodation you have. Please include your cancellation policies and your terms and conditions below.


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